Meeting Minutes Minnutes des Assembliées
Parish Assembly - 04th March 2025
VIEW FULL MINUTESAt which a Constable’s Officer for Vingtaine Coin Tougis Nord, and Vingtaine Bas de la Vallée were proposed and elected. See minutes for full details.
Parish Assembly - 04th March 2025
VIEW FULL MINUTESAn Assembly of the Principals & Electors of the Parish of St Lawrence was held to consider, and if deemed advisable, recommend to the Licensing Bench the applications from Jersey War Tunnels for the grant of a license for 2025 by virtue of the Licensing (Jersey) Law 1974 as amended.
Parish Assembly - 20th November 2024
VIEW FULL MINUTESAt which a member of the Rate Assessment Committee, and an Inspecteur des Chemins for Vingtaine Coin Tougis Nord were proposed and elected. See minutes for full details.
Parish Assembly - 31st July 2024
VIEW FULL MINUTESAt which a Procureur du Bien Public was proposed and elected. See minutes for full details.
Parish Assembly - 31st July 2024
VIEW FULL MINUTESA nomination meeting for the role of Centenier, there were no nominations received. See minutes for full details.
Parish Assembly - 22nd July 2024
VIEW FULL MINUTESAt which the principals and electors of the Parish considered various financial matters such as but not limited to approving a Rate for the financial year 2024/2025 in accordance with Art 21 of the Rates (Jersey) Law 2005. See minutes for all other matters considered.
Parish Assembly - 29th May 2024
VIEW FULL MINUTESAn Assembly of the Principals & Electors of the Parish of St Lawrence was held to consider, and if deemed advisable, recommend to the Licensing Bench the application for a variation of licence by Thai Beach Cafe Limited (Old Station Cafe).
Parish Assembly - 29th May 2024
VIEW FULL MINUTESAn Assembly of the Principals & Electors of the Parish of St Lawrence was held to consider, and if deemed advisable, recommend to the Licensing Bench the applications from Food Retail Limited for the grant of a license for 2024 by virtue of the Licensing (Jersey) Law 1974 as amended.
Parish Assembly - 07th May 2024
VIEW FULL MINUTESAn Assembly of the Principals & Electors of the Parish of St Lawrence was held to consider and, if agreed, to appoint a builder to undertake to completion the building of
two new Sheltered Housing units, to include renovation of the Militia Building and demolition of Maison du Gardien and the ancillary units. Approved Planning Application
Number P/2024/0341. Also to consider and if agreed, to authorise the Connétable and Procureurs to ensure that the scheme is funded through Sheltered Housing funds and the Parish Property Capital Expenditure Fund as required. -
Parish Assembly - 23rd November 2023
VIEW FULL MINUTESAt which two members of the Rate Assessment Committee were proposed and elected. See minutes for full details.
Parish Assembly - 14th November 2023
VIEW FULL MINUTESElectoral Assembly at which a Centenier was proposed and elected.
Parish Assembly - 16th August 2023
VIEW FULL MINUTESAn Assembly of the Principals & Electors of the Parish of St Lawrence was held in the Parish to elect a Vingtenier for Vingtaine Coin Hatain, to consider, and if agreed, to instruct the Connétable and Procureurs to pass a contract before the Royal Court of Jersey in order to formalise a boundary agreement between the Parish and the owners of Brampton, Les Gellettes, St Lawrence, and to consider, and if deemed advisable, recommend to the Licensing Bench an application from Thai Beach Cafe Limited for a grant of a license for 2023 by virtue of the Licensing (Jersey) Law 1974
as amended.Parish Assembly - 20th July 2023
VIEW FULL MINUTESAt which the principals and electors of the Parish considered various financial matters such as but not limited to approving a Rate for the financial year 2022/2023 in accordance with Art 21 of the Rates (Jersey) Law 2005. See minutes for all other matters considered.
Parish Assembly - 29th March 2023
VIEW FULL MINUTESAt which a Vingtenier for Vingtaine Coin Tourgis Sud, and an Inspecteurs des Chemins for Vingtaine Haut de la Vallee were proposed and elected.
Parish Assembly - 13th February 2023
VIEW FULL MINUTESElectoral Assembly at which a Procureur du Bien Public was proposed and elected.
Parish Assembly - 13th February 2023
VIEW FULL MINUTESElectoral Assembly at which 2 Centeniers were proposed and elected.
Parish Assembly - 08th December 2022
VIEW FULL MINUTESAt which two members of the Rate Assessment Committee were proposed and elected, 3 members of the Comité des Chemins were proposed and elected, and 10 Inspecteurs des Chemins for all Parish Vigntaines were proposed and elected. See minutes for full details.
Parish Assembly - 09th November 2022
VIEW FULL MINUTESAt which an honorary police officer was proposed and elected. See minutes for full details.
Parish Assembly - 20th July 2022
VIEW FULL MINUTESAt which the principals and electors considered various financial matters such as but not limited to approving a Rate for the financial year 2022/2023 in accordance with Art 21 of the Rates (Jersey) Law 2005; and elected a Vingtenier for Bas de la Vallee.
Parish Assembly - 02nd February 2022
VIEW FULL MINUTESAt which three honorary police officers were proposed and elected. See minutes for full details.
Parish Assembly - 17th November 2021
VIEW FULL MINUTESIn which a liquor licence application was considered by parishioners by virtue of the Licensing (Jersey) Law 1974 as amended for Wild Wine at David Hick, Alexandre House, La Rue, St Lawrence, JE3 1GL See minutes for full details.
Parish Assembly - 26th July 2021
VIEW FULL MINUTESAt which parishioners received and approved the accounts of the Parish to 30 April 2021 and set a rate in accordance with the Rates (Jersey) Law 2005. See minutes for all other matters considered.
Parish Assembly - 24th February 2021
VIEW FULL MINUTESAn Assembly was held to consider, and if deemed advisable, recommend to the Licensing Bench an application from Bath Street Wine Cellar Limited (Liberation Group) for a grant of a license for 2021 by virtue of the Licensing (Jersey) Law 1974 as amended.
Parish Assembly - 27th July 2020
VIEW FULL MINUTESAn Assembly was held for the following business: to receive and, if agreed, to adopt the accounts of the Connétable for the year ending 30th April 2020; to approve the estimates of the funds required by the Parish for the financial year ending 30th April 2021; to approve a Rate for the financial year 2020/21; to approve a sum to be taken from the Parish Property Capital Expenditure Fund to cover unforeseen repairs to the Parish Hall; to name the Comité Paroissiale to examine the accounts of the Connétable for the year ending 30th April 2021; to appoint auditors to audit the Connétable’s accounts for the year ending 30th April 2021; to elect three parishioners to the St Lawrence Sports & Community Centre Management Committee.
Parish Assembly - 12th February 2020
VIEW FULL MINUTESThe Connétable declared Mr Martin Alfred John Sabey duly reelected as Procureur du Bien Public and Mr Stuart Alan Lusby duly re-elected as Centenier.
Parish Assembly - 03rd February 2020
VIEW FULL MINUTESThe Connétable declared Mr Raymond Noel Le Fondré duly re-elected as a Vingtenier for Vingtaine Coin Tourgis Sud; Mr Simon Williams duly elected as a Constable’s Officer for Vingtaine Coin Motier; Mr Matthew Bartlett duly elected as an Inspecteur des Chemins for Vingtaine Coin Tourgis Sud.
Parish Assembly - 27th January 2020
VIEW FULL MINUTESIn relation to the Road Safety Action Plan (including proposed speed limits review).
Parish Assembly - 12th December 2019
VIEW FULL MINUTESAn Assembly was held to elect three members of the Comité des Chemins; to elect two Inspecteurs des Chemins, for Vingtaines Bas de la Vallee, Coin Hatain, Coin Motier, Coin Tourgis Nord, Coin Tourgis Sud, and one inspector for Vingtaine Haut de la Vallee.
Parish Assembly - 07th November 2019
VIEW FULL MINUTESThe Connétable advised the Assembly that Mrs Gloria Eunice Jenkins was duly re-elected as a Constables Officer for Vingtaine Coin Motier; Mr Shaun Mark Roberts was duly elected as a Constables Officer for Vingtaine Coin Tourgis Nord.
Parish Assembly - 14th October 2019
VIEW FULL MINUTESThe Connétable declared Mr Stuart Alan Lusby to be elected as Centenier for the Parish of St Lawrence.
Parish Assembly - 22nd July 2019
VIEW FULL MINUTESAn Assembly was held for the following business: to receive and, if agreed, to adopt the accounts of the Connétable for the year ending 30 April 2019; to approve the estimates of the funds required by the Parish for the financial year ending 30 April 2020; to approve a Rate for the financial year 2019/20; to consider and, if agreed, to approve a sum to cover proposed maintenance and repairs of the Parish Hall; to name the Comité Paroissiale to examine the accounts of the Connétable for the year ending 30 April 2020; to appoint auditors to audit the Connétable’s accounts for the year ending 30 April 2020; to elect three parishioners to the St Lawrence Sports & Community Centre Management Committee.
Parish Assembly - 30th May 2019
VIEW FULL MINUTESAn Assembly was held to consider, and if deemed advisable, recommend to the Licensing Bench an application from Summit Group CI Limited for a grant of a license for 2019 by virtue of the Licensing (Jersey) Law 1974 as amended.
Parish Assembly - 15th May 2019
VIEW FULL MINUTESMr Harrison declared Mr Jonathan Mark Woodall to be elected as Centenier for the Parish of St Lawrence.
Parish Assembly - 25th April 2019
VIEW FULL MINUTESAn assembly was held to consider and, if agreed, to adopt a recommendation of the Connétable and Procureurs du Bien Public that the Parish enters into a Contract of Exchange and Counter-Exchange of land known as “Clos de Pauvres” being Field number L36, Le Clos de Marie and measuring 4 Vergees 11 perches 6 pieds for Field No. L386 measuring 6 Vergees 14 perches which is owned by Mr Alan Maclean.
Parish Assembly - 23rd January 2019
VIEW FULL MINUTESAn Assembly was held for the following business: following the decision by the Parish Assembly held on 29th November 2018 to support the application by Jersey War Tunnels for a Third Category (Restaurant) Licence, to give consideration to a change in the opening hours.