** St Lawrence Ladies Action Group Poppy Appeal Coffee Morning – Saturday 26 October 10am – St Lawrence Ladies Action Group – Poppy Appeal Coffee Morning | Parish of St Lawrence **

Sunday TradingConmèrce du Dînmanche

The Shops (Regulation of Opening and Deliveries) (Jersey) Law 2010 and the Shops (Regulation of Opening) (Jersey) Regulations 2011 control the opening of shops on Sundays and this includes Good Friday, Liberation Day (9 May), and 26 December. A shop may not open for business on these days unless a permit has been granted. No shop may open on 25 December (Christmas Day).

The permit available will depend on the size of the shop. A small shop is a shop with a retail sales area of not more than 700 square metres. A large shop is a shop with a retail sales area in excess of 700 square metres.

The permits available are summarised below but please refer to Sunday Trading Guidance Notes for further information.

General permit available to occupiers of small shops

This permit may authorise the opening of a shop on Sundays, Good Friday, Liberation Day and 26 December or on any combination of those days.

A General Permit cannot authorise opening on Christmas Day.

Tourist amenities, facilities or attractions of any size may apply for this permit if the part of their retail sales area devoted to the supply of goods is not more than 700 square metres.

Any other shop that is primarily focused on service provision and in which the supply of goods is incidental to the provision of that service may also apply for a General Permit.

A Connétable can attach conditions to a General Permit to control opening hours, deliveries and certain other relevant matters.

A General Permit will be valid for up to one year. It will expire on 31st December of the year for which it is granted.

The fee for filing an application is £60.

Restricted Hours Permit available to occupiers of large shops

The Restricted Hours Permit may authorise the opening of a shop between 10.00 am and 4.00 pm on Sundays, Good Friday and Liberation Day or on any combination of those days.

A Restricted Hours Permit cannot authorise opening on either Christmas Day or 26 December.

A Restricted Hours Permit will be valid for up to one year. It will expire on 31st December of the year for which it is granted.

Provision is made for large shops that include a station or garage facility selling fuel or other source of power for motor vehicles (e.g. electricity sold via charging points). When applying for a Restricted Hours Permit, the occupier of such a shop may apply for permission to open the road fuel station for longer than the 10.00 am to 4.00 pm period that applies to the primary commercial activity or activities across the remainder of the shop. This provision only applies in cases where the retail sales area devoted to the road fuel station does not exceed 700 square metres. A Connétable may still restrict the opening hours of the road fuel station at a large shop having considered the scope for impact on the peace and tranquillity of the neighbourhood and the scope for nuisance to be caused to neighbouring residents. In such circumstances, the permitted hours that apply specifically to the road fuel station will be recorded on the permit.

The fee for filing an application is £120.

Single permit available to occupiers of any shop

Organisers of one-off or occasional events that will provide goods and / or services on a Sunday may wish to apply for a single permit. This permit may also be granted in addition to a Restricted Hours Permit.

A single permit can authorise the opening of a shop on a specified Sunday, Good Friday, or Liberation Day.

Single Permits cannot allow a shop to open on Christmas Day or 26 December.

The occupier of a shop may apply for more than one single permit in a year. They may submit one or more applications at different times of the year. Alternatively, they may also submit a single application citing up to 5 dates on which they wish to be granted permission to open via a single permit.

An individual shop may not open for more than 5 days in any one year under one or more single permits.

The fee for filing an application is £60.