The Parish is registered with the Jersey Office of the Information Commissioner. The Parish is a controller as defined by the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018 (the DPJL) of the information (personal data) you provide in connection with the various services provided by the Parish on a lawful basis as a “Public Function”. You have certain rights under the DPJL, latest guidance is here: https://jerseyoic.org/for-individuals.
The Parish has appointed a Data Protection Officer (the DPO). The DPO may be contacted via our main email [email protected] or in writing to the Parish Hall.
Further helpful guides and templates are below to assist you:
- Our Privacy Notice v3.0 16 December 2020
- Our Privacy Notice Appendix 1
- Our Subject Access Request (the SAR) guide is here: POSL Submitting a SAR v1.0 (PDF)
- Our template form for you to submit a generic SAR is here: POSL SAR Form (PDF)
- Terms and conditions
Alternatively the form links below are to simpler SAR versions, if you only need a simplified search topic. For example, if you simply need to prove your residential address to a third party, you may request confirmation that you are on our electoral register:
- Electoral (for voting): Subject access request – electoral (PDF)
- Rates List (owner/occupiers of land/property): SAR DEC 2020 RMS_final (PDF)
- Driver Licences: SAR DEC 2020 LICAR_final (PDF)
The Parish seeks to provide the highest standard of service to all its parishioners. Your feedback is important to us, we welcome you taking the time to tell us when we have got it right but, equally, when there are areas we might improve. Our Comments, Compliments and Complaints Policy is available here-