Election 2022 – Hustings for Constable candidates

St Lawrence Parish Hall – Thursday 9 June at 7pm – hear from your two Constable candidates

Hustings are meetings held before each election where candidates standing for election deliver a speech about their policies and answer parishioners’ questions. 

The Jersey Electoral Authority has accepted nominations from 93 candidates to stand in Jersey’s next public election on 22 June 2022. Of these, 49 will be elected by Islanders to serve as States Members in the States Assembly – Jersey’s elected parliament – for the next four years. (The role of Senator has been extinguished.)

Registered voters in St Lawrence can vote for their preferred candidates for the roles of a Parish Constable and also the Deputies. The Deputies (x 4) will represent a new combined electoral constituency of St Lawrence, St John and Trinity, in the Assembly.

The full manifesto, contact information and 10 proposers and seconders of each candidate is available on this link: Your 2022 Candidates | Vote.je

Pre-Polling Day voting opens in town (St Paul’s Centre) all next week from Mon 13 June and closes Fri 17 June; see vote.je for timings etc. This gives you the chance to vote before 22 June and is often handy for those working in town or those likely to be busy with other commitments on Polling Day.

Queries on voting and Election 2022 – Helpline : 01534 441020
Email: [email protected]
Voter Helpline opening hours: Monday to Thursday 8.45am to 5.00pm and Friday 8.45am to 4.45pm