** St Lawrence Ladies Action Group Jumble Sale – Saturday 22 February 10am at the Parish Hall – St Lawrence Ladies Action Group Jumble Sale | Parish of St Lawrence **

Reminder – Voting option in town this week only

With just 7 days to go to Polling Day here at the Parish Hall, a reminder that you can vote for your St Lawrence Constable and Deputy candidates in town this week if easier for you. This is often an option favoured by those who work in town or have other commitments on 22 June which make it difficult to attend on Polling Day.

This is known as “Pre-Poll” and as a registered elector, you simply take your ID along with you to St Paul’s Centre (next door to De Gruchys) and the electoral administrator there will give you your St Lawrence ballot paper/s to complete and then place in secret in the ballot box.

Pre-polling is from Monday 13 June to Thursday, 8.30am to 5pm but closes on Fri 17 June at 4pm.

All of the above is administered and by the Judicial Greffe.

Any queries to Helpline : 01534 441020
Email: [email protected]