** St Lawrence Nomination Meeting – Parish Hall Wednesday 31 July 7pm – more details Nomination Meeting – Procureur du Bien Public and Centenier | Parish of St Lawrence **

2022 Rates List – Committee available to meet you on 14 June

The Rates List of the Parish of St Lawrence may be inspected at the Parish Hall during normal office hours from Tuesday 31 May 2022.

Members of the Assessment Committee will be available at the Parish Hall on the following dates by appointment only, to answer any questions you may have regarding your assessment; please telephone 861672 to arrange an appointment.

Tues 14 June – 12.00 noon to 2.00pm or

Tues 14 June – 6.00pm to 8.00pm

An application may be made to the Assessment Committee for a Review of the proposed rateable value of any area of land shown on the Rates List. An application for Review:-

• must be submitted on the approved form available from the Parish Office or Parish website click here: About Rates | Parish of St Lawrence
• must provide details of other land in the Island with similar attributes where there is a significant difference (10% of the Rateable Value of the land in question or 500 rateable quarters, whichever is the greater), and
• if requesting a Review of the assessment of Domestic/Non Domestic must provide details of the current use of the property, and
• must be made on or before the 15th June 2022 to the Assessment Committee at the Parish Hall.

An appeal against a draft assessment may be made only after a Review has been undertaken.

Notice is also given that in accordance with Article 11 of the Rates (Jersey) Law 2005, when the Rates List has been approved by the Supervisory Committee it becomes the approved Rates List of the Parish for that rateable year.

Deidre Mezbourian
Connétable 30 May 2022