** St Lawrence Ladies Action Group Jumble Sale – Saturday 22 February 10am at the Parish Hall – St Lawrence Ladies Action Group Jumble Sale | Parish of St Lawrence **

Polite reminder – Ecclesiastical Assembly

A reminder that the above meeting on our event page, is in the Parish Church on Wednesday 25 May, not the Parish Hall.

Published agenda below:

An Ecclesiastical Assembly of the Electors, Principals and Officers of the Parish will be held in St. Lawrence Parish Church on Wednesday 25 May 2022 at 7:30pm.

  1. To confirm the Act of the previous Assembly;
  • To pass the Churchwardens’ Accounts for the year 2021/2022;
  • To appoint the Committee to examine the Churchwardens’ Accounts for the year 2022/2023; and
  • To elect the Church Officers for the year 2022/2023

Reverend Philip Warren

Recteur                                                                       18 May 2022