** St Lawrence Honorary Police – Could you Join Us? Information Drop In Session Saturday 29 March 10.30am-12.30pm – St Lawrence Honorary Police – Could You Join Us? | Parish of St Lawrence **


Parking Restrictions and Charges

Parking restrictions operate in most public parking areas and, in some areas, may also apply on Sundays and Bank Holidays (parking information). Please check notices when you park as the requirements vary and may require:

  • The use of scratchcard(s) to display the time of arrival and to cover the duration of the proposed parking
  • The use of a ‘parking disc’ to display the time of arrival
  • Number-plate recognition is used in Sand Street car park, St Helier

The charge and time limit also varies across the island and, in a particular parking place, may vary according to the time of year.

​Parking Fines

If you fail to display a valid parking disc or scratch card when you park, or if you do not move your car when the parking period has expired, you may receive a parking fine. You should pay the fine immediately and full instructions are printed on the notice you receive.

If you wish to query the circumstances of the parking infraction or you dispute a parking fine you may attend a Parish Hall Enquiry and speak to the Duty Centenier. Contact the relevant Parish to arrange an appointment.

Failure to pay a parking fine will result in a summons to the Magistrate’s Court. You may:

  • Appear in Court to answer the charge yourself and the Magistrate, having heard the facts, will determine the case. If you are found guilty of the parking infraction the Magistrate may award costs against you and will also determine the penalty; or
  • Avoid a Court appearance if you pay the fine before the date you have been summonsed to appear in Court (payment to the Parish Hall or, for public car parks administered by Department for Infrastructure, to the Parking Control Office, Sand Street car park, St Helier).

If you fail to pay the fine or to appear in Court when summonsed to do so the Magistrate may order your arrest, with or without an option for bail, for future attendance in Court.

Parking – Disabled Driver Scheme

Parking badges for disabled drivers are available from the Town Hall, St Helier. The blue disabled badge permits you to park in any public car park and to park on specially designated ‘disabled driver’ parking areas in St Helier and elsewhere. The blue badge is also recognised in other European countries.