Parish Liberation lunch for our Occupation VIPs

St Lawrence residents who were in the Island during the Occupation, deported, evacuated or were serving in the Armed Forces are cordially invited by the Connétable to a complimentary lunch at St Brelade’s Bay Hotel on Tuesday 10 May 2022, 12.30pm for 1.00pm

Transport from the Parish Hall is available, leaving the Parish Hall promptly at 11.45am and return mid afternoon.

If you would like to join us, please telephone the Parish Secretary on 861672 or email the [email protected] by 29 April to reserve your place.

Deidre Mezbourian

Connétable de St Laurent

Jersey War Tunnels in St Lawrence is now open for the 2022 season, learn and experience more of this important time in history. The Parish recently donated exhibits from our highly regarded 75th Liberation Photographic Exhibition to display at JWT (and St Lawrence Primary School). The JWT is highly recommended (TripAdvisor Travellers’ Choice Award 2021) for those new to, or visiting the Island, seeking to know more about life in Jersey during the Occupation and our Liberation in 1945. Go to Jersey War Tunnels for information on open times, café and entry fees. Please note JWT is closed on Liberation Day itself.

For other Liberation events in May across the Island, go to Eventbrite app or Liberation Day events (