Jersey Royal Potato Competition Weigh-In
of the participating Occupation Senior Citizens
with Jersey Model Boat Club display, cake and a cuppa
All welcome, further details below:
Following on from the excitement of Liberation Day 77, the Island’s Occupation ViPs will be coming together on Tuesday 17 May, to weigh-in their home-nurtured seed potato plants for the annual Jersey Royal Potato Growing Competition, organised by Comité des Connétables and Genuine Jersey. Chair of the Comité, Constable Deidre Mezbourian says “This is a wonderful new addition to the popular annual contest between Island schools and 12 Parish Constables, which sees our valued Occupation Senior Citizens join in this friendly competition.”
The weigh-in being held in St Lawrence Parish Hall at 11am welcomes the participants from both St Lawrence and Trinity.
The Jersey Model Boat Club will also be displaying their WWII themed boats and pictures, such as the vessel which took the surrender parties out to H.M.S. Beagle on 9 May 1945.
Free entry with a voluntary collection for the British Red Cross.
All are welcome to come and watch the weigh-in and enjoy a catch-up and cuppa together.
Event location – Parish Hall, La Grande Route de St Laurent, St Lawrence
Parking – free parking at Moignard Liberation Garden (south of the Parish Church cemetery)
Blue badge/disabled access – parking at the rear of the Parish Hall, with a low gradient pedestrian ramp to door at rear of Hall