Is it easy to register as a voter or stand as a candidate in the June 2022 elections?
How do I register as a voter or stand as a candidate in the June 2022 elections?
Registering as a voter is easy, you can check out the reasons why your vote is valued here:,
Jersey’s next election is on 22 June 2022 and the FAQs on this link may be helpful:
If you meet the simple eligibility requirements, you can then register quickly and free online here:
The Parishes also post an annual statement to all households in the Autumn which invites you to add new electors or remove those who no longer live with you. This helps ensure the data we hold remains accurate and up to date.
Guidance for those interested in making a difference to the community and standing as a candidate for election is also available:
If you need any help, do contact the Staes Greffe on 01534 441020, [email protected], or your Parish Hall for advice.