Caring for Carers – St John Ambulance

Carers’ Support Programme 2022 dates released

3 March; 10 March; 17 March; and 24 March or

27 April; 4 May; 18 May; and 25 May or

15 Oct; 22 Oct; 29 Oct; and 5 Nov

We are pleased to share news that St John Ambulance Jersey have relaunched their free carer support initiative.

It consists of four sessions which are held one morning per week (at their HQ in Midvale Road, St Helier), for four consecutive weeks. The programme runs several times over the course of a year. Leaflets with finer details about the programme are now available in Parish Halls.

This is a free community course kindly funded by donations and is aimed at those carers who do not receive remuneration.

Please note that this is not a workplace course for carers working in the care industry.

Carers are invited to join a Carers Support Group (held in St Martin) that meets monthly for ongoing support.

Topics include:

Role of the carer

Reducing the risk of infection

Pressure damage

Safe handling

Looking after yourself as a carer

Safety in the home

First aid

Assistance available from other local organisations.

Information on social services, benefits and dementia care

For further information contact the friendly team at:

01534 735611